USACE - Horseshoe Cove
Maintenance dredging of shoal material from Horseshoe Cove entrance channel and turning basin from station 100+00 to 190+73.6 to a depth of 6-foot with 1 foot of allowable overdepth. Approximately 74,000cy of material was hydraulically dredged from station 100+00 to 183+00. Additionally, 32,000cy of material was dredged from the turning basin from stations 183+00 to station 190+73.6. All material was placed at a DMMA 1.9 statute miles from the project site.
This project required extensive turbidity monitoring, environmental species monitoring, as well as, bird monitoring.
Project Details
Owner: USACE
Location: Dixie County at Horseshoe Cove
Dates of Construction: December 2020 - September 2021